Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, the time of the great harvest!
Shavuot is recognized by most calender’s for 2019 to be from Saturday evening June 8th – Monday evening June 10th. Pentecost, will be recognized by the Christian Church this year on Sunday June 9th.
If you’re anything like me and many of you are, then you care about the entire Bible and how these Feast days foreshadow the Prophetic work of Messiah. When it comes to the Feast and their prophetic meanings, we memorialize and pay attention to it all!
Shavuot, or Feast of Weeks is what we will be focusing on all this week. Today we are going to begin our Shavuot series by reading Exodus chapters 19-20. It has become tradition to read the story of Mount Sinai during Shavuot, commemorating the Torah being given by God to Moses and the Israelite’s.
I should also note that there are many prophecy watchers who believe that the Rapture will also take place during Shavuot and we will see many connections to that idea as we read today’s story out of Exodus.