This work of spreading the Gospel and teaching about end time prophecy is 100% listener supported. Please consider subscribing or donating to support Shawn and the work being done here at This is not a non for profit or a Church 501c3. This is a podcast, dedicated to teaching biblical knowledge, truth and prophecy. Donations are made to Ozbun Media LLC. (NOTE: You can not write your donations off on your taxes, as this is not a not-for-profit). These donations go to support the cost of podcast hosting, website hosting, computer and recording equipment. These donations also go toward supporting Shawn, his family in the hopes of one day making this work full time. We do not sell products or push advertisements. All funds, come from listeners who have a heart to provide for this work.
Support By Mail
Ozbun Media (Checks must be made out to Ozbun Media)
PO Box 476
Eaton IN 47338