For years, I’ve used a phrase, which no doubt has become overused on my part, which says, “actions matter, because our actions demonstrate what we truly believe.” True biblical Christianity …
Torah Portion WK15 – Bo ( Come בֹּא): Exodus 10–13:16
Portion Summary From The fifteenth reading from the Torah is named Bo, which means “come.” The title comes from the first words of the first verse of the reading, …
Righteousness, Holiness, Faith, Obedience and Sin – Return To Your First Love
There are three words rarely spoken in the modern day western church. Namely, righteousness, holiness, and obedience. Why is this? If you read the general epistles, James, John, Jude, and …
Aliens, UFOs, Genetic Modification, & Prophetic Dreams – End Times News 08/16/2023
It’s getting weird out there and the greatest deception ever placed upon humanity is just around the corner. Here’s a hint, It will likely involve UFOs and little grey men. …
Why Do The Wicked Prosper?
One of the most difficult realities we deal with as followers of Messiah is the fact that often, the wicked prosper. Not only do the wicked prosper in their evil, …
The Book of Isaiah Chapter 6 – Bible Study Podcast
The Book of Isaiah Chapter 6 Isaiah’s Vision of the Lord Isa 6:1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and …