This is our first attempt at a live show / message for the year of 2017. In this episode Shawn breaks down the difference between the wise and the foolish …
Remnant In The Wilderness #2: The World or Jesus, You Choose
In today’s podcast, we continue our series “Remnant in the Wilderness”. We specifically talk about what it means to be the remnant and what separates them from the rest of …
Remnant In The Wilderness: The Saints of The Last Days
Today the remnant has rejected the organized church. The remnant is out in the wilderness. It’s important that you understand this. Those of you are who are remnant, who have a heart …
Passover: The Lord’s Feast – Should Christians Celebrate Passover? What Did Jesus Do?
Should Christians Celebrate Passover? In today’s broadcast, I ask and answer a very important question. Should we as Christians, observe or celebrate the Passover? In short, I believe the answer …
Church! Return To Righteousness! Come Out of Your Apostasy!
The 10 commandments have been kicked out of our government buildings, our schools, and our universities. This has been going on for many, many years, for a generation. Even prayer …
Dear Christian, before you go see “The Shack”, remember the serpent was more subtle then any beast of the field
First, let me say, I’m not judging or coming down on anyone who goes to see the movie titled, ‘The Shack’. However, there are a few things you should know, …
Where Is The Wise? The Cross is Foolishness To Those Who Are Perishing
We live among a society here in America and the rest of the western world, where people have put their faith and trust in their own wisdom. They boast in …