Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock; be not silent to me:
lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. Psalm 28:1 KJV
Here in Psalm 28:1, David calls the Lord his rock, and acknowledges without Him, he will surely stumble, he will surely fall and like the rest of the world, head into the pit.
Recently I was out for a run in my typical running spot. A beautiful garden on a mile and a half loop. However, this particular morning presented an additional challenge. The paths were covered with snow and ice. I wasn’t running long before I realized there was a lot more ice then snow and just one miss step could lead to a serious injury.
As I was running, I began to pray, Lord please don’t let me slip. Lord, if you don’t hold me up, I will surely fall and seriously injury myself. With every close call, I praised the Lord and acknowledged it was His grace which kept me upright and not my own abilities.
I quickly realized how this was not just true for the challenging and dangerous run I was doing that morning, but it’s true for our lives. Left to ourselves, we will fall to temptation. We will give into sin. If God does not hold us up, if He does not give ear to our cries, we will be like the rest of the world, heading into the pit of destruction.
May we never get too confident in our own abilities and in our own flesh. It is in those moments of conceit we are most likely to fall to our fleshly desires and make a mess of our lives and our relationship with Christ.
Let us always pray as the Saviour instructed, “lead us not into temptation, but deliver me from the evil one”. Matthew 6:13 KJV